What a Big Mac Can Teach You About Value
Huge thanks to The Clark Hulings Fund for the invitation to share this blog post! See the original posting here. While you’re there, check out the amazing work the fund is doing for artists. In college, I was fascinated […]
Fast Enough to Fly Away
On my way to campus for the first day of the fall semester, Tracy Chapman’s “Fast Car” came on the radio. Belting out an abuse ballad en route to teach a class about financial empowerment is strangely empowering. Nevertheless, […]
July 2015 Tasks
Have you heard? You got an extra second last week. Twitter, Buzz Feed, and John Oliver were on it. I technically missed mine, although I spent it delightfully this holiday weekend surrounded by friends and family. It may be […]
Major Life Changes
Major transitions in life – geographical moves, job changes, key life milestones, and even personnel changes – cause upheaval, if not outright anxiety. They come with tremendous amounts of uncertainty, and although we occasionally thrive in uncertain situations (adrenalin and […]
Because Nice (Still) Matters
I am the opposite of a hoarder. I purge clutter with reckless abandon, assuming most of it is garbage (recyclable garbage, but garbage nonetheless). And most of it is. But sometimes something sticks with me. I can’t entirely explain […]
It’s About Time!
It sounds like such a harsh title doesn’t it? We don’t mean it in terms of exasperated finality. We literally mean this post is about time. We have been talking and thinking about time quite a lot lately. We’ve […]
Online? Really?
Can you really learn online? What about all I’ve read about the massive failure of MOOCs? Will this be a waste of my money — even though it isn’t all that much? And if it were really good, wouldn’t you […]
Advocating in DC
Want to know what Minerva Research Assistant, Katy Treitmaier, has been up to? Here’s her summary of advocating for the arts in DC… A Memorable Trip A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to actively participate in the twenty-eighth […]
Off the Rails
March has been a busy month for us at Minerva Financial Arts. We’ve presented eight workshops and one two-day boot camp covering everything from pricing strategies to budgeting and taxes. What’s more? We kept up our work with the […]
Life Lessons from “Cinderella”
I took my daughter to Edward Liang’s World Premiere of Cinderella at Ballet Met Friday night, and we were joined by hundreds of other revelers, including friends, strangers, and some incredibly special family members. The performance was full of […]