It’s About Time!
It sounds like such a harsh title doesn’t it? We don’t mean it in terms of exasperated finality. We literally mean this post is about time. We have been talking and thinking about time quite a lot lately. We’ve […]
Bad Habits of Arts Organizations (Second in a Series)
In our first post in this three-part series, we talked about the first bad habit we see in arts organizations: The failure to connect expending limited resources to strategic mission. (Lolly Daskal’s article from Inc., “8 Deadly Ways to Kill […]
Online? Really?
Can you really learn online? What about all I’ve read about the massive failure of MOOCs? Will this be a waste of my money — even though it isn’t all that much? And if it were really good, wouldn’t you […]
June 2015 Tasks
How is it June already?!? We’re one (unofficial) week into summer and I am supposed to be fully rejuvenated by now. (Get it? Re-JUNE-venated?) Except that it’s not going well. Where did May go? For that matter, where did […]
Summer Reading
I’m counting today as the official start of summer, along with anyone else celebrating Memorial Day with a yoga class and a barbecue. (Plus, I can’t get the SNL opening song out of my head… Even one week later.) One […]
Bad Habits of Arts Organizations (First in a Series)
I read an article by Lolly Daskal from Inc. a few weeks ago, and I can’t stop thinking about it. Daskal generally writes about leadership topics, but this post, “8 Deadly Ways to Kill Employee Motivation,” focused more on the […]
Managerial Moments in Motherhood
I love mother’s day, but not for why you think. Oh sure, reading the entire Sunday Times with two full cups of coffee from a new French Press while aromas of blueberry muffins and spring lilies wafted through the kitchen […]
May 2015 Tasks
Happy Star Wars Day! May is a month of seasonal celebration, whether we’re celebrating May Day, ancient floral customs, Mexico’s victory over France in the Battle of Puebla, or even Star Wars puns. It is a month of culminations, with […]
It’s the Little Things
It’s no secret that I love Kinfolk, the quarterly mindfulness magazine I discovered last year, thanks to a well-informed brother and his even more well-informed wife. This quarter’s edition — The Entrepreneurship Issue — is full of underlines, dog-eared pages, […]
KT Chats with Elaine
For her “Saving Cities” class at OSU, Katy interviewed Elaine about her childhood, education, career, and passion for the arts. As evident from this interview, Elaine is a fascinating and dedicated leader with a passion for creating empowerment in the […]