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March 30, 2015
Events & Media
Off the Rails

March has been a busy month for us at Minerva Financial Arts. We’ve presented eight workshops and one two-day boot camp covering everything from pricing strategies to budgeting and taxes.   What’s more? We kept up our work with the […]

March 23, 2015
Events & Media
Life Lessons from “Cinderella”

I took my daughter to Edward Liang’s World Premiere of Cinderella at Ballet Met Friday night, and we were joined by hundreds of other revelers, including friends, strangers, and some incredibly special family members.   The performance was full of […]

March 16, 2015
Ordering Chaos

Small confession: I love doing my taxes. I can’t help it. I find it fulfilling to complete a year’s worth of financial reporting and creating summaries of how I spent my time and my resources for both personal and professional […]

March 9, 2015
The Bad One

We lovingly refer to the end and beginning of Daylight Savings Time as the “good one” and the “bad one,” respectively. We gain an extra hour of sleep when our clocks fall back each autumn, and the extra hour is […]

February 23, 2015
Painting Lemonade with Lemons

  Hi Guys!  Katy here, Research Assistant for Minerva Financial Arts.  This post hits close to home for me…   Have you ever spoken with someone, perhaps in your family or a friend, who asked you with skepticism why you […]

February 9, 2015
Minerva News
Pick An Artist Any Artist

  “If I could say it in words there would be no reason to paint,” Edward Hopper said, describing his own reasons for being an artist. But what is it to be an artist?  Or an “artist”?  Or an ARTist?  This […]

January 26, 2015
Events & Media
Opening Those Big Eyes

“The point of art is to elevate, not to pander,” John Canaday, the art critic (portrayed by Terence Stamp) in the movie Big Eyes tells us.   And yet, the pandering nature of Walter Keane, the villain in Tim Burton’s […]

January 19, 2015
Events & Media
In Service of Humanity

I love how MLK Day has become synonymous with service.  And I love even more how, particularly with recent events in Ferguson, Staten Island, Paris and elsewhere, we are more cognizant than ever of the value of community.  So in […]

January 12, 2015
Singing a New Tune

Every once in a while, I read something that feels like music to my ears.  It rings true and I respond physically and emotionally.   It’s kind of like my own sound track.   “This sounds a lot like your […]

January 3, 2015
Minerva News
2014 Year in Review

2014 was quite a year for Minerva Financial Arts.  Our programming reached 459 people in six cities and two countries.  (And that’s just the live programming.) Here’s the 2014 Recap, full of metrics and unscientific statistics. And indeed, the best […]

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Arts & Numbers

You don’t have to do this alone. Arts & Numbers is a comprehensive financial guide for creative individuals… and anyone else with a passion for something other than accounting and finance. This book aims to provide basic information on finance and financial matters for creative entrepreneurs to take ownership of their financial situations, thus ensuring their long-term success, creative and otherwise.

Written in short story form with fictional anecdotes supporting the financial advice, Arts & Numbers promises to be an easy and useful read for creative entrepreneurs at any stage.

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