More Than Math
Quick – What is your hourly rate? If you had to think about it too much, or if the answer is too complicated, or if you aren’t entirely sure, it might be time to revisit your pricing model. […]
Business Tips You Missed in Art School
Chances are, you missed some considerable business learning while you were in school pursuing a creative degree. So here, in no particular order, are the five most important business lessons you may have missed in art school. It’s worth noting […]
“Rich Kids” Money Tips
Originally written by Elaine Grogan Luttrull for the Clark Hulings Fund‘s striving artist series (“The Financial Secrets of Rich Kids“) and re-posted with permission. “What are the rich kids doing that I’m not?” I paused for a long […]
GiveBackHack 2016
Last night GiveBackHack hosted the Sunday Night Presentations at CCAD. Nearly 200 members from the community joined us for 12 incredible presentations from teams who had researched, tested, iterated, and built sustainable ideas to improve the world during the 72 […]
Lessons from Lark’s Business of Art
In October of 2012, Playwrights of New York and The Lark hosted the first Business of Art workshop, a two-day playwrights-only boot camp that focuses on business and financial aspects of running a creative career. As we conclude our […]
My most vivid memory of New York is flying into the city late at night after our family had moved away. I must have been eight… maybe nine years old, and I remember so clearly flying over and into the […]
Difficult Conversations
Sometimes it’s hard to talk about the world to our children. As the horrors around the world—Beirut, Paris, Baghdad, and more—evolved last week, the news was everywhere. The front page of our Sunday paper had large headlines, which my daughter […]
Fluid Borders
On Saturday, I chaired a panel discussion on Fluid Borders in Business, Art & Design at SECAC (the Southeast Conference of Arts Colleges) in Pittsburgh. What follows is a transcript of my remarks, and a brief summary of two panelists’ […]
Friends of Friends
Lately we’ve been spending a lot of time with friends and friends-of-friends. How lucky we are to be surrounded by such an incredible community of professionals, artists, and professional artists. In the spirit of our friendly conversations lately, we thought […]
Calling a Mulligan
On Monday, August 24 I did not post anything on my blog. That’s a big deal. It was the first Monday I missed in 2015. Oh sure, there have been close calls, like the time management post that went up […]