“Rich Kids” Money Tips
Originally written by Elaine Grogan Luttrull for the Clark Hulings Fund‘s striving artist series (“The Financial Secrets of Rich Kids“) and re-posted with permission. “What are the rich kids doing that I’m not?” I paused for a long […]
Now That’s a Brand
Small confession: I don’t go nuts over Star Wars. I knew there was a new Star Wars movie coming out last week, but I didn’t know its name. That is institutional marketing in action. The brand overall is more […]
December 2015 Tasks
There’s something powerful about light, isn’t there? This month we naturally start to crave more of it as our days shorten and the darkness lengthens. Light makes us feel hopeful, happy, and optimistic. It lightens our burdens and lifts […]
Fluid Borders
On Saturday, I chaired a panel discussion on Fluid Borders in Business, Art & Design at SECAC (the Southeast Conference of Arts Colleges) in Pittsburgh. What follows is a transcript of my remarks, and a brief summary of two panelists’ […]