November 1, 2017 • Newsletter

Happy November! It’s month eleven of 2017, and it is a delightful time to reflect back on the first ten months of the year (even if – like me – you struggle to understand how they passed so quickly).
Nevertheless, I am thrilled it is November, a month that for me is associated with gratitude. This month, I am particularly grateful for the people around me, and I couldn’t help but think about the personal gratitude we can all feel for the personnel in our lives. “Personnel” usually refers to a body of people in an employment context, but personal personnel feels bigger, more inclusive, and less tied to a particular job. As we continue to struggle with challenges large and small, it is the people around us that make coping both possible.. and worthwhile.
My personal personnel include family and friends, both old and new, those with whom I visit regularly and those who are a bit more distant. My personnel include my colleagues and my peers, many of whom I’ll be seeing at conferences over the next few weeks. And of course it include the professional community of artists, writers, and performers I have been lucky enough to work with.
I am indeed grateful. And I hope this month you are able to take a moment to embrace a bit of gratitude… And to be the reason someone else is grateful as well.
Need a few more things to keep you busy? November is a great time to:
- Update your budget with actual results through last month. Do you need to make any changes before the end of the year?
- Double-check the tax payments you have made in 2017 so far. Were your estimates close to what you thought you would owe? If not, you still have a bit of time for adjustments before the end of the year.
- Prepare any year-end messages of thanks, peace, or gratitude to your professional connections, especially if you’ll need time for printing or shipping.
- Thank someone who has affected you personally, professionally, and creatively this year. Expressing gratitude – sincere gratitude – is a great way to increase your own happiness.
We hope you enjoy this month’s focus on gratitude, especially for the people that surround you and support you personally, professionally, and creatively. They are lucky to have you… And so are we. Until next month, all the best with your financial empowerment…