March 6, 2023 • Newsletter
This Month’s Money Message: Reflect
Time is a funny thing right now. It moves quickly and glacially all at the same time. Several times over the past few weeks, especially as clients have been looking back at 2022 income and expense numbers, they have remarked with astonishment that something happened in 2022: A grant received, a performance given, an event attended.
“That was in 2022?!?”
Yes. It was in 2022 – whatever it was – and remembering each of those memories is part of the overall reflection I love doing this time of year. Pulling together numbers for tax return prompts this reflection, and I enjoy reliving trips, events, accomplishments, and more, all through the lens of a Profit & Loss statement. Plus, it makes the tax preparation work a bit more meaningful, especially if you can connect it to memories and accomplishments during the year.
So with that in mind, here are some things to know, do, and believe as you reflect:

Know: What you really loved doing in 2022. Was it working with a particular person or group? Was it a particular type of work? Was it a particular moment of creative joy?
Don’t rush this reflection. Go deep with yourself to understand why you loved something. It might have been because you felt valued, it might have been because you loved the people you were working with, or it might have been because the work was incredible. Figure out what you loved and why… That way you can pursue more of that work in 2023.

Do: Pursue more of the work you love in 2023.
Once you know why you loved the work, you can identify ways of doing more if it – either with similar partners or new ones. Besides, pitching projects, ideas, collaborations, or new works from a place of love makes it feel less like a “pitch” and more like an invitation to joy.

Believe: You can proactively pursue work you love.
Sometimes the arts can feel reactive – We react to current events, we react to opportunities, we react to paid work. But it is also okay to be proactive in pursuing work. It takes a bit longer to gather the pieces, invite the team, and find supporters, but proactively pursuing work we love (and getting paid for it), is almost always worth it.
What We’re Doing
This month is (still) all about tax workshops. We have two with the New England Conservatory of Music, one with Sundance, one with YoungArts, and one with the Indiana Arts Commission. We have a few bonus conversations on pricing and funding scheduled with the Center for Cultural Innovation, and a new project with Music to Life. (Speaking of work we love, we LOVE getting to feature two artists, Mitzi Sinnott and Eric Salazar, as part of the Music to Life curriculum!)
What We’re Talking About
Taxes, taxes, and more taxes. We can’t seem to talk enough about taxes right now. We’re answering questions, leading workshops, and sending virtual high fives for every tax milestone folks are reaching.
If you’d like to chat with me to answer your own questions, feel free to find a time that works with your schedule. Full disclosure: I’m scheduling about 4-6 weeks into the future right now. It’s a busy time!
Take time to reflect this month – even as you are busy doing your taxes, planning spring events, and wearing all of the hats creative entrepreneurs wear to stay afloat. The best planning starts with active reflection. Give yourself that gift.
Happy Reflecting,