She Creates Columbus
June, 2018
Wild Goose Creative
Magic things happen when cool women gather to share cool ideas in a cool space. That’s the vision (part of it anyway) behind She Creates Columbus, a pilot program of Wild Goose Creative to bring mentorship and career development to the next generation of creative women leaders in Columbus.
With six workshops for the participants, plus (at least) six one-on-one mentor meetings, and countless email chains and event shares, this program is already activating its members to achieve the overall vision: A Columbus where young, professional, female artists are co-creators with an equal say in the future of our city.
Elaine will be leading the budgeting session for the She Creates Columbus participants on Saturday, June 9, 2018, from 10:00-1:00. This event is open only to members of She Creates Columbus. (But stay tuned for applications for the next cohort of the group!)
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