Creative Conversation: Pricing Your Creativity
September, 2015
Roosevelt Coffeehouse (Map)
Join us at Roosevelt Coffeehouse, Columbus’s latest social enterprise, for a Creative Conversation about Pricing Strategies for your art and time. Come for the coffee and leave with some really great tips on the business of your art.
Thursday, September 10, 2015 | 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Roosevelt Coffeehouse | 300 East Long Street, Columbus, 43215
$20 | Register
Pricing Your Creativity
As artists and designers become more entrepreneurial, discussions about pricing art and time have become more common. However, many creative entrepreneurs lack the basic vocabulary and economic understanding to participate in those conversations comfortably.
Four factors–cost, competition, customers, and competencies–affect the price of a creative entrepreneur’s work or time. This workshop will outline the science behind each factor and assist participants in developing pricing strategies to enhance their own practices. Come prepared for hands-on pricing activities… and maybe even a bit of negotiation.
About the Series
Think of this as the business education you wish you had when you were just starting your creative business… Lessons learned from other creative entrepreneurs inform the curriculum for this monthly workshop series, led by Elaine Grogan Luttrull, the founder of Minerva Financial Arts. These workshops are casual, hands-on, and intimate. Attendance is capped at 15 to ensure one-on-one time with the instructor and support from the creative community in Columbus.
Where Can I Park?
There is plenty of street parking outside Roosevelt, plus a few spots in a lot. Bring quarters for the meter just in case.
I’m Not Starting Out… Can I Still Come?
Of course! We’re big on re-starts (like redeveloping a pricing strategy for your creativity!), not just first-time starts. Participants range from those with just a few months of experience to those with just a few decades of experience.
Will There Be Coffee?
Yup. We wouldn’t dream of inviting you to join us at Roosevelt without including coffee. Our treat.
Is This a Deductible Business Expense?
Probably. It is both ordinary and necessary, not to mention common and accepted in your industry. But check with your tax adviser to be sure. And save your receipt.
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