The Business of Art: Playwrighting Edition
May, 2015
Lark Play Development Center (Map)
Yup, you guessed it. Lark, with generous support from PoNY, has done it again.
Join Elaine Grogan Luttrull for The Business of Art: Financial Literacy & Career Planning for Playwrights in on Saturday and Sunday, May 16 and 17, 2015. In this multi- day workshop, participants will discuss common challenges faced by literary artists, in particular playwrights.
Elaine will lead discussions and activities to empower creative entrepreneurs and freelancers to follow their passions and build sustainable careers. Topics covered will include goal setting and the art of budgeting for projects both personal and professional. Elaine will also share the best ways to manage irregular cash flow, including the how to determine the “right” amount of cash to have on hand. Tax and healthcare questions common to creative entrepreneurs will be covered on Day 2, and throughout the workshop, Elaine will answer questions from participants in this intimate workshop-style session.
This will be the final session for the 2014-15 year. Watch for workshop dates in the fall…
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