Tax Basics for Creatives at the Whitney
February, 2020
The Whitney Museum of American Art (Map)
If it is true that the only certain things in life are death and taxes, this workshop will make navigating one of those things considerably easier. We’ll review federal income tax basics for creative individuals, including how the tax landscape changes based on the type of income an artist earns. We’ll also discuss common deductions claimed by creative entrepreneurs and key aspects of tax law that impact financial wellness, including deducting interest for student loan payments and saving for retirement. We’ll conclude by reviewing some tips and best practices to keep excellent tax records.
As part of this workshop, participants will:
- Identify ordinary and necessary deductions common to creative businesses.
- Review the overall income tax landscape for federal and state filings.
- Identify records to retain for tax purposes and effective systems for tracking expenses and income.
This workshop is part of the Whitney’s commitment to the emerging arts professionals on staff, particularly in Visitor Services. This workshop is not open to the public, but rather is limited to staff members of the museum.
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