Minerva Financial Arts embodies a pro-artist approach to financial counseling and education best expressed through these core values:


We know money, but you know yourself best. We want to know you too.

Our job is to understand your goals, your needs, and your barriers so we can meet you exactly where you are and help you get where you want to be.


We strive for excellence in building and maintaining our knowledge to ensure you are getting the absolute best information. What we share must be both technically accurate and tailored for the people we share it with.


We know a lot, and we’ve worked hard to build and maintain that knowledge. But there is still far more we don’t know. We strive to continue learning and to recognize the expertise others bring to conversations.


We know navigating financial topics isn’t always easy. We understand you may have tremendous barriers to overcome. We see you, we recognize what you are going through, and we want to help.


We aim to build your knowledge, not muddle it. We want our information to be clear, we want our courses to be accessible, and we want you to understand exactly what you are getting when we start working together.

Ground Rules for Workshops

There are a few ground rules that govern our work with partners and clients in workshop and small-group settings. They are worth highlighting here, at the outset, to make sure we’re all on the same page, and they are repeated when we gather together, whether online or in person.

Take Space & make Space

We respect each person’s voice, and all voices have value. We all have important contributions to make, but if we are too quick to share our own thoughts, we may not be able to hear the experiences and thoughts of others.

Equal Parts Teachers & Learners

Each person brings a unique perspective, a long list of life experiences, and relevant, important information to share. We have so much to learn from each other. We recognize that we are all both teachers and learners in this space, and we honor each role.

Stories Stay & Lessons Leave

Our work conveys confidentiality, and we recognize the vulnerability that individuals bring to this space. We empower individuals to share their own stories, if they wish, and we amplify lessons that can be helpful to others, without sharing personal information. Only the lesson should leave.

Ground Rules for One-on-Ones

We also have some expectations for one-on-one sessions to ensure everyone has a positive experience.

Come as You Are

It’s great if you can prepare some questions in advance, but that’s not always possible. Come as you are, and we’ll do what we can do together. We will not judge your financial choices, your priorities, or your goals. Our job is to work with you – exactly as you are – and help you get where you want to be.

Do the Math

If there were an easy solution, you would already know about it. One of our core ground rules is to do the math to make abstract feelings concrete. Oh sure, we’ll share the solutions and secrets we’ve learned over the years, but the biggest lesson you can take away from this process is to do the math. Do the hard work. Think through the options for whatever you are considering, write down what they are, plus pros, cons, and costs of each. Do the math.

Know Thyself

You are an expert in your own experiences, so you get to decide how this information applies to your own creative career. No one else can do that for you. Thank goodness. You retain full agency over your choices. And it helps if you know your own strengths and limitations.

Overall Limitations & Disclaimers

The work we provide is educational in nature and is not intended to be used as tax, legal, or accounting advice, including to avoid penalties under Section 230. Tax laws, financial planning, and accounting rules are nuanced and specific, and a group or exploratory conversation is no substitute for diving deep into this complex process.

Arts & Numbers

You don’t have to do this alone. Arts & Numbers is a comprehensive financial guide for creative individuals… and anyone else with a passion for something other than accounting and finance. This book aims to provide basic information on finance and financial matters for creative entrepreneurs to take ownership of their financial situations, thus ensuring their long-term success, creative and otherwise.

Written in short story form with fictional anecdotes supporting the financial advice, Arts & Numbers promises to be an easy and useful read for creative entrepreneurs at any stage.

Check it Out